robot uses
to count frames
moves closer to center of arena with
why stop moving at 23 frames?
number was determined from trial and error testing
on robot control panel
spins and fires at consistent pace
// create a persistent frame counter in memory
// runs once per frame of simulation
if (!('counter' in context.memory)) context.memory.counter = 0;
// move forward towards center of arena for first 23 frames ...
if (context.memory.counter < 23) {
context.action.desiredAngle = context.state.angleToCenter;
context.action.desiredForce = 0.001;
} else {
// ...then start spinning and shooting!
context.action.desiredAngle = context.state.angle + 0.05;
context.action.desiredLaunch = true;
turns away from walls using
and context.state.angleToCenter
move forwards with consistent speed
fires when anything enters scanner
(including walls and enemy projectiles!)
var closest = context.state.proximity[0] || {};
// when detecting a wall very nearby, turn towards center of arena
if (closest.entityType == "wall") {
// face robot towards center of arena if too close to wall
context.action.desiredAngle = context.state.angleToCenter;
// always move forward - the divisor (/2) determines max speed/force
context.action.desiredForce = context.state.maxForce/2;
// fire at anything within scanner range
if (context.state.scanner.ALL.length > 0)
context.action.desiredLaunch = true;